Improvisation as a Practice

Third Utterance
02.06.2024 16:00
WITH Canto Diáspora
FREE ENTRY Donations welcome
ACCESS SAVVY is accessible by wheelchair
Join us in the SAVVY house for our last iteration of STEPPING ON EACH OTHER’S FEET – our series of experimental sonic performances, grounded in improvisation as a method. For this session, improvisation will take the form of songs from the oral traditions of Abya Yala, performed by the women's vocal ensemble Canto Diáspora, a Berlin-based choir founded in 2022 under the direction of Colombian singer Carolina Riaño. Canto Diáspora is made up of 30 women of different origins, mostly Latin American migrants, who intertwine their voices on a weekly basis.
The collective singing and the feminine strength that is manifested in each rehearsal recharges the energy of its members and achieves an empowering effect, the group strengthens their confidence in their vocal capacity and develops a wide musical repertoire. The audience will be delighted with melodies and rhythms such as the Colombian bullerengue, tambora and currulao, the Venezuelan joropo and fulía, the Argentinean vidala and bailecito, the Chilean cueca and the Bolivian huayno, among others.
en español
Te invitamos a la casa SAVVY para nuestra última sesión de STEPPING ON EACH OTHER 'S FEET, nuestra serie de performances sonoros experimentales, fundamentados en la improvisación como método. Para esta ocasión, la improvisación tomará la forma de canciones de las tradiciones orales de Abya Yala, interpretadas por el ensamble vocal femenino CANTO DIÁSPORA, un coro con sede en Berlín fundado en 2022 bajo la dirección de la cantante colombiana Carolina Riaño. CANTO DIÁSPORA está compuesto por 30 mujeres de diferentes orígenes, en su mayoría migrantes latinoamericanas, que entrelazan sus voces semanalmente. El público será invitado a vivir melodías y ritmos como el bullerengue colombiano, la tambora y el currulao, el joropo y fulía venezolanos, la vidala y bailecito argentinos, la cueca chilena y el huayno boliviano, entre otros.
Curation Manuela Garcia Aldana, Kelly Krugman, Ola Zielińska
Concept Hubert Gromny, Ola Zielińska
Management Lema Sikod
Communication & TRANSLATION Anna Jäger
FUNDING The project is supported by Musikfonds.