FREQUENCY ·:.·.:•·.·•·.·o.·.o EXHIBITIONS
AT SAVVY Contemporary,, and /rosa
OPENING 14.09.2022 19:00
AT SAVVY Contemporary Reinickendorfer Straße 17 13347 Berlin
ON SHOW 15.09.–04.11.2022 Thursday–Sunday 14:00–19:00 (with INVOCATIONS on 05.–06.11.2022)
WITH Aarati Akkapeddi Theresah Ankomah aruma Erick Beltrán Jung Hsu & Natalia Rivera Shailesh BR Tania Candiani Cian Dayrit & Mark Sanchez Nolan Oswald Dennis Merv Espina Jung Hsu & Natalia Rivera Los Carpinteros Joiri Minaya Sheila Nakitende Vernelle A. A. Noel Sahej Rahal Eliécer Salazar Corinne de San Jose Juliana dos Santos Sindicato Virtual de Mods & Club Matryoshka Cem Sonel Gabriella Torres-Ferrer Abel Rodríguez Wakaliga Uganda ++
AT Hof V Gerichtstraße 23 13347 Berlin
ON SHOW 15.09.–06.11.2022 Wednesday-Saturday 15:00–19:00
WITH Brian Mackern Cristóbal Cea Giselle Beiguelman, Bruno Moreschi & Bernardo Fontes Gustavo Romano Fabiola Larios Liliana Farber Miyö Van Stenis Molly Soda Thiago Herzan
AT /rosa Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35 10178 Berlin
OPENING 16.09.2022 19:00
ON SHOW 18.09.–06.11.2022 Friday 15:00–19:00 & Saturday–Sunday 14:00–19:00
WITH Brian Mackern Gustavo Romano Homeostasis Lab Alcides Martínez Portillo Mari Nagem Mariela Yeregui NETescopio (MEIAC)
For all the other project FREQUENCies, please check the MAGICAL HACKERISM PROJECT PAGE
18.09.2022 17:00 Tour in DENGLISH & ENGLISH && SPANGLISH With jpgs
24.09.2022 16:00 Tour in ESPAÑOL With jpgs
29.09.2022 18:00 Tour in ENGLISH With Lili Somogyi and Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock
13.10.2022 17:00 Tour in DEUTSCH & DENGLISH With jpgs
14.10.2022 17:00 Tour in ESPAÑOL & COSTEÑOL With Raisa Galofre
21.10.2022 18:00 POSTPONED
22.10.2022 16:00 Tour in DENGLISH With Raisa Galofre
27.10.2022 17:00 Tour in HUNGARIAN With Lili Somogyi
29.10.2022 16:00 Tour in ENGLISH With Lili Somogyi and Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock and Raisa Galofre

![Eliécer Salazar: "Mike Char lee el discurso sobre el colonialismo de Aimé Césaire mientras un par de boys hacen el famoso giro decolonial" [In the background: Joiri Minaya: The Cloaking Series] | Photo: Marvin Systermans](/site/assets/files/10027/10_01_magical_hackerism_eliecer-salazar.1020x0.jpg)

Magical Hackerism refers to this essential hacking of reality and the rendering of a multiplicity of worlds.
The etymology of the word Tropics comes from the ancient belief that the sun turned back at the solstices, the Tropikós, from the greek word τροπή – meaning the point where things turn. Magical Hackerism is the manifestation of the Tropical Turn as a mindset.
Since the conception of the globe, a one-world way of being has been positioned as our main cosmology. A cosmology can be understood as a set of principles or a framework that determines our understandings of the planet, our ways of being, and ways of relating to each other. Consequently, our responses and response·abilities are conditioned by our cosmologies and frameworks too. The dominant cosmology of globalism is deeply rooted in modern binary understandings of the planet with embedded hierarchies in them: nature / culture, civilized / savage, West / East, the so-called Global North / South. Whatever is done at one side of the line is validated whereas what is done at the other side is rendered invisible. The computational thinking of solutionism and optimization has made us impose an homogenizing universal system into communities and environments for the sake of progress and civilization. Often, whenever a post-capitalist scenario is envisioned, it is still conceived as a single global system. We ask ourselves: To which extent will we keep perpetuating the verticalities we have performed so far? There’s no single answer for the complexities of our planet but rather multiple responses. How can we alter the way we respond to the climate emergency and (Post-)COVID–19 realities? How can we render a multiplicity of worlds and ways of being?
In this collaborative thought-do-flow experiment, the neighbours SAVVY Contemporary and come together to examine various forms of technologies from a Tropikós perspective (both as region and as mindset), in order to diversify and redistribute the networks of technologies and cultural imaginaries towards pluriversal understandings of the planet. With this constellation, we aim to complexify the dominant cosmology of modern binary divisions and systems of classification, disrupt the vertical sight in our relationship to natural, artificial and hybrid environments and establish dialogues between a multiplicity of worlds and cosmologies that exist by themselves and not by opposing to a contrary.
With Magical Hackerism, we have the intention of pluriversing technologies in order to assemble means that render a multiplicity of realities. More than a recognition, it is the opportunity for a re·cognition: to rewire the root code of what we think makes us human. We are interested in the tropisms that keep life in motion. Despite an existence that is against all odds, and evens, and binaries, technologies of life bloom and outlive the technologies of mass distraction and dis·location.

SAVVY Contemporary
ARTISTIC DIRECTION Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung Elena Agudio
CONCEPT & CURATION Juan Pablo García Sossa
CO-CURATION Raisa Galofre Lili Somogyi
RESEARCH Raisa Galofre Juan Pablo García Sossa Sarah Grant Lili Somogyi
PRODUCTION António Pedro Mendes
MANAGEMENT Lema Sikod Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock Onur Çimen
GRAPHIC DESIGN Juan Pablo García Sossa
CURATION Jazmín Adler Paloma Oliveira
SOCIAL MEDIa Igor Štromajer
COLLABORATION & SUPPORT Magical Hackerism is a SAVVY Contemporary project in collaboration with, funded by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa des Landes Berlin. The Netting Group is supported by Schloss Solitude’s Digital Solitude Web Residencies Program.
The exhibition is taking place in the framework of Berlin Art Week.