From Tokenism to Black elitism:
The peril of the African/Black Communities (ABCs) in Germany
15.12.2018 18:00
With PEACE Int. Germany
NOTE This event is only for the ABCs
On the panel will be Sister *Adjei Millicent and Brother **Senfo Tonkam, moderated by Sister ***Anigo Badiane
There will also be community socialization after the symposium
Music: Louis Jean from the group Irie Rainbow
Ochieng Bridget & Co. will present the African dance group TEMBO
In our very first discussion we will debate the “Tokenism” and “Elitism” within our communities. This event will be used to analyse the different processes and ideologies behind them, scavenging through the different efforts to erect our voices in the German society. The purpose of this symposium is for peer exchanges and to diagnose the level of separation and the dangers of building parallel societies within our ABCs. We hope for the participation of concerned and enlightened members of our communities. Your presence and contributions will be highly appreciated.
Tokenism is the practice of making only a per-functory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing, especially by recruiting a small num-ber of people from under-represented groups in order to give the appearance of gender or racial equality within a workforce.
Elitism is the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite — a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience.
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