Pflanzen, die Kulturen heilen
Session zum Geschichtenerzählen 12.06.2024 14:00 - 17:00
Mit Felipe Medina
Sprache Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch mit Spanisch statt
FREIER EINTRITT Spenden erwünscht
BESUCH SAVVY ist mit dem Rollstuhl zugänglich
We invite you to gather stories, recipes, and healing practices to co-create with plants, new understandings and pathways toward ecosocial justice and reparation for today's challenging contexts.
Learn why botanical intimacy is and has been essential for the healing of cultures and construction of peace in the northern Andes mountain range; explore what comes after decolonization and how plants can be vessels for new ways to weave peoples and territories in reciprocal exchange; imagine scenarios for health and food sovereignty within the chaordic planetary dance of climate change; embrace virus, bacteria and other life forms as emissaries of an invisible force that urges for an ecological responsive approach to health.
An invitation to learn, explore, imagine, and co-create with the natural realm, led by ecologist and peace worker Felipe Medina from Colombia.
felipe medina fosters socio-ecological rapport processes to promote conscious development and growth. For over 15 years, he has researched and conducted workshops on wild edible and medicinal plants, developing methods to understand their properties, cures, and dangers through direct bodily experience. He has held workshops in Barcelona and his community in Barichara, Colombia.
As the Community Empowerment Project Manager for the Pasos de Agua project, Felipe leads a socio-ecological program that cultivates leadership skills in children. He helps address their dreams and future concerns by guiding their creative actions today, transforming the community. Currently, Felipe's team consists of 20 children aged 4 to 11, working on the comprehensive restoration of Barichara Creek. Felipe has also served as a Peacebuilding Training Coordinator at Resuena. He is the founder of Origen Circular, a hub for socio-ecological peacebuilding. His work involves training peace leaders in non-violent communication and organising events like the Bullerengue Festival for Peace, which promotes intergenerational connections and reconciliation.
Der Workshop is Teil von Wedding Affairs, unseren Nachbarschaftstreffen, die im Rahmen des 15-monatigen Programm TRANSITIONS stattfinden und wird von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien gefördert.