The First Communal Attempt

Workshop 15.08.2021 14:00–17:00
Mit Minh Duc Pham, Minh Thang Pham & Huyen Vi Tran
Ort Nadace a Centrum pro současné umění, Dukelských hrdinů 500/25a, 170 00 Prag
Sprache Der Workshop findet auf Englisch statt
Anmeldung Limitierte Teilnehmer:innen-Zahl. Um am Workshop teilzunehmen, meldet Euch bitte unter info@sjch.cz an.
Spirits of the East, Powers of Air, we invite you to join our circle.
Spirits of the South, Powers of Fire, we invite you to join our circle.
Spirits of the West, Powers of Water, we invite you to join our circle.
Spirits of the North, Powers of Earth, we invite you to join our circle.
We cordially invite you to our workshop where we want to address the subject of cultural appropriation vs. appreciation. This topic is a very delicate and urgent and our aim is to create a space to share experiences and knowledge. Given its complexity this workshop can be seen as the beginning of a regular series in which we will discuss the many different aspects of cultural exchange.
Starting with the meaning of "culture", "appropriation" and "appreciation" we dive deeper into a first collective and individual self-reflection to raise awareness of our own personal standing. Another aspect of this performative format is to work together on a basic understanding and vocabulary regarding the topic. We welcome you to join this first communal attempt with consent and patience with each other, playfulness and responsibility.
Minh Duc Pham is a German-Vietnamese artist. Pham studied Exhibition Design and Scenography at the University of Art and Design Karlsruhe and was a temporary guest student in both Performance studies and Design Theory at the University of the Arts Berlin. Pham's artistic approach is based on the desire to reflect on certain trauma experiences and to establish a new self-image. During this subversive act of care, the artistic work aims to deconstruct normative narratives. It is both the aim and the process of an emerging desire for change, self-empowerment and the desire for self-determined social mobility.
Minh Thang Pham intertwines love, intimacy, friendship, tenderness and playfulness in his practice of drawing, video, performance or listening. He currently lives and works in Protivín.
Huyen Vi Tran is a Prague-based musician and performer. Her current fascinations lie within the fields of sound design, aromatherapy, modern witchcraft, and movement. She has founded several projects such as viah (an electronica girlband), Ňun & Ví (a documentary-theatre project), or Lunar Collective (an experimental-media performance group).
This workshop series takes place in the framework of THE WALL BETWEEN US FILLS MY HEART WITH INTOLERABLE GRIEF – a project in 2020–2021 by SAVVY Contemporary with Ottonella Mocellin and Nicola Pellegrini with workshops and events in Berlin, New York, Prague, Rome, and Bergamo
FUNDING The project is funded by the Italian Council, promoted by the DGCC (Direzione Generale creatività contemporanea) part of the MiBACT (Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism).