Erotic Power / erotic punishment

Within the framework of  WE WHO ARE NOT THE SAME, a research project which looks at and challenges decolonial intersectional feminist practices and politics, we are honoured to welcome Simone White for the second set of exercises – a writing workshop on the POETICS OF REFUSAL  (applications closed) and a talk titled Erotic Power / Erotic Punishment:

This talk names dangers, violations, punishments faced by women who seek and know freedom today. If the erotic is "an assertion of the lifeforce of women," let us be interested in theorizing, bringing to language, the idea, "lifeforce of women," what courses through us and what discourse and weapons try to stop our living. Simone White will attend to the figures of the mistress, the single mother, the ride or die/trap queen. How does the life/force of the black woman artist or intellectual navigate the figuration of her disfigurement, her atrocity, her undesirability? How much does sex cost? 

Simone White is the author of Dear Angel of Death (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2018), Of Being Dispersed (Futurepoem Books, 2016), Unrest (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013), House Envy of All the World (Factory School/Heretical Texts, 2010) and the collaborative poem/painting chapbook Dolly, with Kim Thomas (Q Avenue Press, 2008). Simone is a Cave Canem fellow and was selected as a New American Poet for the Poetry Society of America in 2013. In 2017, she received the Whiting Award in poetry. She has been Program Director at The Poetry Project and on the faculties The New School, Eugene Lang College and the Writers’ Workshop at The University of Iowa. As of July 2018, she is Assistant Professor of English in poetics at the University of Pennsylvania. She lives in New York.

(Photo credit:  Ted Roeder)

The project  We Who Are Not The Same is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.