Re-forming Memory, Re-forming Futures

WORKSHOP VIsuelles Erzählen 19.01.2025 12:00–14:00
Mit Alan Pelaez Lopez
Sprachen Der Workshop findet auf Englisch und Spanisch statt
FREIER EINTRITT Spenden erwünscht
BESUCH SAVVY ist mit dem Rollstuhl zugänglich
Teilnahme Der Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen. Wenn Du gerne teilnehmen möchtest, melde Dich bitte an unter mit Betreff "Memory".
We cordially invite you to a collage-making workshop with our current resident Alan Pelaez Lopez. The collage artist, poet, activist, and scholar will lead us through a workshop where we think about what memories we want to keep from our past, the memories we want to create in the future, and how we can insist on a more gorgeous world. Please bring photographs of your loved ones and/or yourself as a child, or email them to us to print in advance at Other collage materials will be provided by SAVVY.
Alan Pelaez Lopez born 1993 in Mexico, is a transdisciplinary artist and writer whose work addresses the legal conditions of forced migration and land dispossession in North America. Pelaez Lopez has recently exhibited collages, installations, and intervention art at Harvard University’s Art Wing, Galerija Škuc, EFA Project Space, and in public spaces. They are a recipient of a Brown University Art Practitioner Fellowship, a Museum of the African Diaspora poet-in-residence position, and a New York University Miriam Jiménez Román fellowship.
Pelaez Lopez is the author of Intergalactic Travels: poems from a fugitive alien (The Operating System, 2020), a finalist for the International Latino Book Award, to love and mourn in the age of displacement (Nomadic Press, 2020), and the editor of When Language Broke Open: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Black Writers of Latin American Descent (University of Arizona, 2023).
They are also an assistant professor at the University of California, Davis, and holding a PhD.

Eindrücke des Workshops von Raisa Galofre
en español
Re-formando memoria, Re-formando futuros
Traiga fotografías de sus seres querides, de usted misme cuando era niñe o envíenoslas por correo electrónico para imprimirlas con anticipación a {} y únase a nosotres en un taller de creación de collages. Alan Pelaez López, artista de collages, poeta, activista, y académique nos guiará a través de un taller en el que pensaremos en los recuerdos que queremos conservar de nuestro pasado, los recuerdos que queremos crear en el futuro y cómo podemos insistir en un mundo más hermoso.
Todos los materiales de arte serán proporcionados por SAVVY.
Förderung Dieses Projekt wird durch die Unterstützung von The Terra Foundation for American Art ermöglicht.