WORKSHOP 29.11.2023
Mit Daisy Lambert, Flora Fettah, Jasmina Al-Qaisi und Anjeline De Dios
Sprache Englisch, mit Französisch und anderen [unterschiedliche Sprachen sind für die Workshopübersetzungen ins Englische herzlich willkommen]
OPEN CALL Der Workshop ist ausgebucht!
Besuch SAVVY ist mit dem Rollstuhl zugänglich
For the first public iteration of the collaboration, METHODOLOGIES OF TOGETHERNESS at SAVVY Contemporary, we welcome you to a hybrid day-long workshop and multi-sensorial programme inviting the coming-together of decolonial practices with interdisciplinary, intersectional backgrounds in Berlin.
This collaborative project with SAVVY Contemporary, Bureau des Arts Plastiques (BDAP), and the Bureau du Théâtre et de la Danse (BTD) of Institut Français Germany seeks to connect emerging cultural practitioners under 31 from the visual and performing arts fields in France and Germany to facilitate exchanges of knowledge, research, and practice.
Comprised of three primary sections, the day unfolds with a common reading session across languages and geographies led by Daisy Lambert and Flora Fettah, independent curators and researchers based in Paris and Marseille respectively, joined with the voice and partnership of Margot Nguyen, who will accompany the readings aurally from Paris. The reading is designed as a horizontal methodology for encountering and critically learning, and unlearning, texts as a group, with the aims of sharing a selection of French books which have enabled the trio to deepen and expand their practice by means of decolonial perspectives. These texts have yet to be translated into other languages. With this in mind, they encourage attendants to bring any textual, visual, or sonic materials published in other languages that would like to share and discuss. The reading session is grounded in the belief that the work of translation, along with the act of sharing texts and reading them aloud communally, are ways of connecting methodologies across borders.
The second section of the day is joined by Jasmina Al-Qaisi, a poet who writes for voice and paper, articulating and performing orality with sound, food, and care practices towards uncontainable forms of literature. In a collective cooking session we will speculate on the nurturing of the languages we inhabit and that inhabit each other. session entitled -gga’a-kás-kkà-ca-khan-qa’a will bring us together through a gathering where we’ll cook al-kalimat (الكلمات of words) with passed-on know-hows of multitudinous memory: using gut-thinking, siblings’ knowledge, internet glitches, cookbooks, intuition, and a communal consensus to live within each other’s decisions.
With Anjeline De Dios, the ending to the day rises into an exploration of collective resonance, where we listen to and through our voices as ways to embody the insights generated from our gathering. Anjeline will offer a dynamic framework of meditative and sonic prompts to carry us into an open space of dialogical improvisation.
As the day unfurls, gathered sonic recordings throughout the day will evolve to become an archival weave to later air and transmit on SAVVY’s radio pillar, SAVVYZAAR.
Künstlerische Leitung Renan Laru-an
WORKSHOPkURATION Flora Fettah, Kelly Krugman, Daisy Lambert, Margot Nyugen, and Lili Somogyi
PROJEKTKURATION Kelly Krugman, Lili Somogyi
Praktikum Grace Baggott
VISUAL by Aditi Kapur