Hacking Sinema Futures Together

veranstaltungsreihe von SAVVY Contemporary, Network of Arab Alternative Screens und Sinema Transtopia
auftakt 15.02.2022 12:00–20:00
Mit Sabine Abi Saber, Ana David, Jowe Harfouche, Laura Kloeckner, Jasmina Metwaly, Abishek Nilamber, Can Sungu, Pallavi Paul, Sarnt Utamachote, Buse Yıldırım und weiteren.
Ort SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA | Haus der Statistik – Haus B, Otto-Braun-Str. 72, 10178 Berlin
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BESUCH Es gilt die 2G+-Regel: Es ist also eine Bescheinigung über eine vollständige Impfung (Impfzertifikat mit QR-Code) oder Genesung erforderlich. ZUSÄTZLICH muss ein tagesaktueller negativer Covid19-Test vorgelegt werden. Bitte haltet Euch an den Abstand und tragt Eure Maske. Hier findet Ihr bi'baks Hygienerahmenkonzept.
United Screens von SAVVY Contemporary, NAAS – Network of Arab Alternative Screens und Sinema Transtopia von bi'bak freuen sich, den Auftakt von Hacking Sinema Futures Together anzukündigen: Eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen, die von Februar bis Juni 2022 in Berlin und darüber hinaus stattfindet. Gemeinsam stellen wir die dringende Notwendigkeit von Veränderungen in der Infrastruktur des Kinos fest. Wir kommen zusammen, um Raum zu beanspruchen – für die freie Zirkulation des Imaginären und für ein Kino als Ort der Reibung, der Reflexion und Neugestaltung unserer Realitäten. Vier Monate lang werden Kunst- und Filmräume in verschiedenen Ländern – von Indonesien, Tunesien, Kolumbien bis Deutschland – zu Orten der Untersuchung und des Nachdenkens über die Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Finanzierung, Raumfragen, Technologie, Archivierung, Ästhetik und Zensur.
Hilf uns, zukunftsweisende Prototypen einer nachhaltigen Infrastruktur für Filmscreenings und -distribution zu entwickeln und nimm am Hacking Sinema Futures Together Kick-off Meeting teil! Lasst uns die Räume und Netzwerke für ein alternatives Kino und eine alternative Kunst bewahren, umgestalten und neu erfinden!
UNITED SCREENS is a long-term research, networking, and exhibition project conceived by SAVVY Contemporary intending to create an alliance of community cinema programmers loving independent film and sharing a condition of economic or political fragility. Through this project, we aim to critically examine and reimagine tools, methodologies, value metrics and network logics for community cinema programmers from the South to circulate alternative films and video art across the South. Drawing lessons from the combined spirit of the anti-neocolonial Third Cinema proposition of South America, film cooperatives of South Asia, avant-garde movements of Eastern Europe, as well as decolonial resistances of the African continent, United Screens aspires to be a decentralized, peer-promoted think-well on film culture.
NAAS - Network of Arab Alternative Screens is a network of 21 film exhibition spaces that envisions communities across the Arabic-speaking region taking ownership of their available resources and of the decision-making around their allocation. The network prioritizes horizontal governance and measures of accountability in the arts and culture sector to achieve an equitable distribution of these resources, unbridled access to knowledge, and commitment to the radical values and practices of working together. In 2017, NAAS launched its program Cinapses that aims to lead members into new opportunities for institutional sustainability and programmatic development and, on the other, to foster collaboration and solidarity among them. Cinapses builds an ecosystem and strong tools to be used by everyone in the network and sector more broadly, developing film circulation, community outreach, and audience engagement programs. It encourages joint initiatives and promotes the sharing of experiences, resources, and opportunities while activating network mobility.
SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA, the cinema-experiment by bi’bak, explores cinema as a space of social discourse, exchange, and solidarity. The curated film series brings together diverse social communities and connects places both near and geographically distant; it links pasts, presents and futures and moves away from a eurocentric gaze towards transnational, (post-)migrant and postcolonial perspectives. SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA is a different kind of cinema, one simultaneously committed to local and international communities, that understands cinema as an important public sphere of sociality; it considers film history as crucial to the work of cultural memory and is committed to a diversity of film culture and film art. In Haus der Statistik at Berlin-Alexanderplatz, SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA builds a bridge between urban practice and film to create a space that opens access, stimulates discussion, educates, moves, provokes and encourages.
Förderung Dieses Projekt wird unterstützt durch den Arab Funds for Art & Culture (AFAC) und die Kulturstiftung des Bundes.