Transpositioning on AIR
SAVVYZΛΛR Launch 25.06.–28.06.2020
Ein Programm voller häufig gemachter Gedanken, klanglicher Erzählungen, rhythmischer Interaktionen und vibrierender Unterbrechungen über die Vorstellngen von markierten und unmarkierten Zeit-Räumen
Auf sendung 4 days 4 time zones
25.06.–27.06.2020 17:00–19:00 Online-Stream hier auf unserer Website & über unsere Facebook-Seite
28.06.2020 17:00–19:00 Bei Radio 88.4 FM in Berlin und 90.7 FM in Potsdam sowie 17:00–21:00 Online-Stream hier auf unserer Website & über unsere Facebook-Seite
Auf 88.4 FM in Berlin und 90.7 FM in Potsdam, sowie online hier auf unserer Website & über unsere Facebook-Seite.
25.06.2020 17:00
Unfurling its first session and formula, SAVVYZAAR tracks the air, opening boundaries: feeling frequencies, waves, and the sounds around and inside us. Beyond control and in directedness, we move through teleportations on nurture, healing, and multiplicity with sonic traces of SAVVY Invocations and reverberations of Halim El-Dabh, Nkisi, Jihan El-Tahri, Binta Diaw, Alima de Graaf, Caroline Bourrit, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, and Amelie K. Jakubek.
26.06.2020 17:00
There was this moment: moment again. I left it there, on a warm night moving with my heartbeat. Going in cycles, as the travel of the earth around the soon. I meant moon. Did I? When did I sense that again, am I sensing it, or do you: the cosmos walking me?
WHEN DOES TIME START? A conversation between (Kamila Metwaly, Kelly Krugman, Arlette-Louise Ndakoze) & Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock
27.06.2020 17:00
Memories we create, bringing them back into consciousness. Memories that marry us for life. When they set us free, in textures, as knots tying us with our surroundings. A pain on the lane, a song bringing it along – at the River Tongue.
RE:MEMBER with Dorothée Munyaneza, Clémentine Dusabejambo, Samuel Ishimwe
On Fluid Inscriptions/ Sur les inscriptions fluides avec/with Fiston Mwanza Mujila (en français/in French)
LA VIE PLUS FORTE QUE LA MORT/ LIFE STRONGER THAN DEATH: Liberation from colonial shackles in philosophy/Se libérant des chaînes coloniales en philosophie avec/with Nadia Yala Kisukidi (en français/ in French)
28.06.2020 17:00 & 19:00
WITH Martyna Poznańska, with participation of Peter Cusack
The upcoming Listening Sessions within SAVVY Contemporary’s UNTRAINING THE EAR project will be translated for radio and online channels. The three sessions over the radio waves are titled LISTENING STATIONS: Listening Into Placelessness. The idea of placelessness comes from Lucy Lippard, and fuels our interest to imagine a two way communication over radio waves encouraging people to use their imagination when they listen, to actively get inspired by some form of instructions the artists give. LISTENING STATIONS refers to a mode, a type of listening with our body as a station, irrespective of adjutant tools, a body which receives and processes sound.
We cordially invite you to the inauguration of a new wave at SAVVY Contemporary – SAVVYZΛΛR –with a four-day-programme for your ears, heart-reasonings, and senses. SAVVY Contemporary shifts to the air with a multiplicity of vocalizations, inviting you to its radio pillar: SAVVYZΛΛR. An independent radio that carries on the fundamental codes and values, contributing to the space’s ten year long dedication to be and stay connected. A necessity of carrying on, of being, living and continuing to speak.
Vociferating. Celebrating. Incanting in quiet. Again. Vociferating. Celebrating. Incanting in quiet. Again.
SAVVYZΛΛR continues to navigate hybridity – foundational to SAVVY Contemporary as a space of being – now through the dimensions of radio. It is a space negotiating and delinking from the ideologies, practices and continuities of the collective and entangled repercussions of the “colonial enterprise”. An invitation into where the body meets the voice, as they find their places in the airwaves. In motion, it shapes a zone of the in-between, complexifying the oppositions of the feminine and masculine. Sensing the physical in the virtual. Visiting the public in the intimate and otherwise. We mark and re-mark questions, underlining them, to agree in unconformity, finding ourselves in the in-between, “[where] new cultural identities are formed, reformed, and constantly in a state of becoming", as Homi K. Bhabha exclaims. In the time of the 2020 global crisis of containment, the airwaves reach out to rebel. To morph in geography. To come together within the history of radio-making. To speak. Acknowledging the polyphony of symphony, we dive into the air: opening up to break through visible and audible borders, binaries, and inhibiting mechanisms of lockout and repression.
In a call-and-response to the ether, to gather in and out, interacting and reacting in a loop – creating feedback, musings, and utterances, receiving and re-birthing in the manifestations of programs to come. The multi-format programs are hosted by artists, curators, activists, and SAVVY team members. Through storytelling, ancestry, and narration, they queer the functions of radio transmission.
Vociferating. Celebrating. Incanting in quiet. Again. Vociferating. Celebrating. Incanting in quiet. Again.
Künstlerische Leitung Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung
Radio-Team Arlette-Louise Ndakoze, Kamila Metwaly, Kelly Krugman
Management Lema Sikod, Lili Somogyi, Jörg-Peter Schulze
Kommunikation Anna Jäger
Design Juan Pablo García Sossa
SAVVYZΛΛR wird jeden Sonntag von 17:00–19:00 über 88.4 FM in Berlin und 90.7 FM in Potsdam ausgestrahtl – ein gemeinschaftliches Radionetzwerk in Berlin mit, Cashmere Radio, WEAREBORNFREE! EMPOWERMENT RADIO, und Radio Mobil – sowie online zugänglich sein über unsere Website und unseren Facebook-Kanal.