don’t linger, they might see you

Untraining the ear Listening Station 13.12.2020 16:00
Über 88.4 FM in Berlin und 90.7 FM in Potsdam auf, sowie online hier auf unserer Website und auf unserer Facebook-Seite
Archiv HIER auf unserer Mixcloud-Seite könnt ihr das Programm (immer) wieder anhören.
Due to the current Corona crises, this year's Listening Sessions within SAVVY Contemporary’s UNTRAINING THE EAR project will be translated for radio and online channels. The sound events will be broadcast during our time on at 88,4 FM in Berlin and 99.7 in Potsdam, as well as streamed online.
To the fourth sessions over the radio we welcome KMRUwith his piece don’t linger, they might see you which will be followed by a conversation with Arlette-Louise Ndakoze.
Inspired by dreams, uncertainty and the unseen, don’t linger, they might see you explores sounds, field recordings, silences and noises giving sense of occurrences, and continuous experiences of time. "They", here, is a metaphor of nothingness connected with our continual stream of thoughts and consciousness, unlimited to any specific time and space, this can be in real life, dreams or in “other worlds". The piece explores sounds which are unseen (electromagnetic), which are always in around us and mostly unnoticed. Although they are somewhat silenced; these sounds have a connection/ interaction with the environment, just like our bodies.
KMRU is a Kenyan sound artist, experimental ambient musician, currently based in Berlin. His works deal with discourses of field recording, improvisation, noise, ambient, machine learning, radio art and expansive hypnotic drones. He is currently a student at Universität der Künste Berlin for sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master's Program. KMRU is a regular at Uganda’s Nyegenyege Festival and performed acclaimed sets at Berlin’s CTM (Music Makers Hacklab), Gamma Festival, Mutek Montreal (AI Lab) and Unsound festival (intermission), to name the most notable, and exhibited in Abuja Art Week in Nigeria. He has presented online works for Sonic Agency Festival, in between spaces, Gamma lab XR and ADE 2020.He earned international acclaim from his ambient works, such as the 2020 full-length Peel released on Editions Mego, ranked “Great Records You May Have Missed: Summer 2020" by Pitchfork, Jar on Seil records amongst dozens of self-releases on his Bandcamp. KMRU debuted his RA mix in 2020, presents a monthly show on Internet Public Radio, guests on NTS and Rinse FM, organizes workshops for Nairobi Ableton User group, and is a core member of Black Bandcamp.
Künstlerische Leitung Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung
Kuratisches Team Jasmina Al-Qaisi, mit Kamila Metwaly, Mahnoor Lodhi und Ola Zielińska
KO-KURATion Marcus Gammel und Jan Rohlf
Management Lema Sikod und Jörg-Peter Schulze
KOMMUNIkATION Jasmina Al-Qaisi und Anna Jäger
VISUALS Ola Zielińska
Layout Lili Somogyi
Partner Deutschlandfunk Kultur und CTM Festival
Förderung Musicboard Berlin