It go have to adjust

Our project IT GO HAVE TO ADJUST – on the parasitic nature of language and the contaminating role of language in oppressive, dehumanising systems – echoes on through the SAVVYZΛΛR radiowaves. We are excited to meet in the radio air a collaboration partner of the project: Fankeena houses a studio, gallery and workspace for artists in Hargeisa. The word fankeenna, which translates to "our art" in Somali, reflects the drive to cultivate local creativity and ingenuity. Fankenna produce, preserve and promote Somali creativity and artists that entertain, educate and empower local communities.

As a central collaboration partner in our project IT GO HAVE TO ADJUST Fankeenna joins SAVVYZAAR airwaves with an audio break which is a lively meet-up of artists and thinkers from the collective, sharing their music, sounds, and poems. It celebrates old traditions and new ideas, mixing traditional rhythms with modern music to make a unique sound that touches the heart. In this audio intermission the collective talks about their activities and their plans and hopes.